Loves you!

Our goal is to touch the heart of every child until the day of judgement and to assist parents/caregivers instill the love of Allah (swt), along with the morals and etiquettes needed to be an upright Muslim and by default citizen (Insha’Allah).

We pray that these books bring us all closer together in this world and in the hereafter. Our niyyah is that the reward be collective and be given to every human with an ounce of iman. May Allah (swt) reward you for your concerted effort in raising your children on the path of Islam and we all be granted Jannah with no reckoning. Ameen

Series 5

Foundation Of Faith

Series 6

Upcoming Books

If you would like a hardcopy of the above books they can be purchased from Amazon

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Our goal is to touch the heart of every child until the day of judgement and to assist parents/caregivers instill the love of Allah (swt), along with the morals and etiquettes needed to be an upright Muslim and by default citizen (Insha’Allah).

We pray that these books bring us all closer together in this world and in the hereafter. Our niyyah is that the reward be collective and be given to every human with an ounce of iman. May Allah (swt) reward you for your concerted effort in raising your children on the path of Islam and we all be granted Jannah with no reckoning. Ameen